
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By VeryCurious
Hi, when I have market condition "skip if traded volume is less than X" it means total traded volume for whole market, not just selection yes?
If yes could be reason for not placing bets that "start recording min/max prices" was the same value as "time to bet"?
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By BfBotManager
Hi VeryCurious,

Yes, that is market condition so it applies to market.

Above condition has nothing to do with Tools->Settings time to start recording min/max prices, as total traded volume is checked at time of bet and recorded prices are not specific to strategy, those are recorded at specified time.

Strategy time of bet allows strategy to start trying to place bets when this conditions is satisfied and only if all other conditions are satisfied.

If you continue to have problems with your strategy then please export your strategy, make screenshots of your market monitoring and tools->settings and send it all to us to check it.
