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By awp22
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the going detailed displayed for horse racing markets?

Per the screenshot attached, the first two Lingfield (Ling) races (12.15, 12.45) do not have a Going listed - the rest of the Lingfield races do, as do other meetings.

Would this impact bots with Going filter applied? I.e. does this count as "Not Specified"?

Is this due to Betfair feed? Or...?
Capture.PNG (220.03 KiB) Viewed 6996 times
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By BfBotManager
Hi awp22,

This information is updated each morning, so bot will reload it again tomorrow morning.

Also, in some cases information might not be displayed until bot starts getting market prices.

By awp22

I set up a bot to take screenshots up to race time and during race(s) where bots would have been getting Going data as it's sometimes difficult to monitor this.

In "Screenshot 1", this is the morning of the day of the races in question and shows that there is still an inconsistent data load. That is, no Going on the race "going down", but Going data is loaded for later.

Then in "Screenshot 2" there is an example where for, in this case Clonmel, no data was provided for any of the races (in the description, at least).

And lastly, "Screenshot 3" shows the same issue again, with data from today's races - incl. having reloaded in the morning.

Ultimately it looks to me like:
1) Even on the morning of the race, there is not necessarily an update
2) In the case of Screenshot 2 and Clonmel, even when the race is loaded, no Going data has fed through

So my questions are then:
1) Is going loaded in the "background" even if not displayed in the market name? Does it showing up in the name matter?
2) If no going is shown on the market name, does this qualify as "Not Specified" Going?
3) How can it load for some races at a course and not for others? Is this Betfair's problem, or?

Any assistance or guidance you can provide will be much appreciated.
Screenshot 1.png
Screenshot 1.png (171.01 KiB) Viewed 6978 times
Screenshot 2.png
Screenshot 2.png (180.52 KiB) Viewed 6978 times
Screenshot 3.PNG
Screenshot 3.PNG (194.26 KiB) Viewed 6978 times
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By BfBotManager
Hi awp22,

Bot gets this data twice each day, that is around 5AM and 11AM. This is stored in bot memory, background.

Data is displayed when market prices get downloaded, which means that it might not display on screen until you open market selections or the times comes and bot starts getting prices for that market.

"Going data" is not provided by Betfair, it is provided by third party service and there is no guarantee that it will be accurate 100% of the time, but in most cases it is just issue with layout where data is available in background but not displayed until bot starts monitoring that market.
