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By Colinbest2
If I import 5 horses from a tipster as tips but only want to bet on 2 based on the ones that have the lowest price how do I achieve that?
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By BfBotManager
There is no option to bet on two tips that have lowest price.

But you can try to do following:
1. add Selection conditions->Selections filter, tick option to allow betting only on tips from specified tipsters and specify your tips Provider name
2. add Selection conditions->Selection by highest/lowest and set it to bet on 2 selections with lowest price

Add other rules as needed and then make sure that Selection filter rule is above Selection by highest/lowest rule in the Selection conditions list. That means that Selections filter will filter selections by its settings and then Selection by highest/lowest will pick 2 selections with lowest price.

It should work like you want it to, but make sure that you test it in simulation mode first!
By Colinbest2
I've tried the above suggestion and it works 99% of the time however I have seen a scenario where:

Theres 4 selections for a race from a tipster.
The bot starts betting 5 minutes before the race starts.
It bets on 2 of the selections with the current lowest price.
However a minute later one of the selections that hasn't been bet on becomes the 2nd lowest and a bet is also put on that selection.
Theres now 3 selections with a bet on.

For now I have added config so it stops placing bets 10 seconds later but really what I'm wanting is to have 2 selections betted on maximum. The ideal scenario is to have a full 5 minute window of betting before the off where lets say in the first 30 seconds of betting only 1 selection may be within the price range so it gets bet on. However 30 seconds later another selection sneaks into the price range and is now also bet on. From that point no matter of selection price no more bets are made because the bot has hit the full 2 selection limit. Any ideas if this is achievable?

I have attached the strategy.
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By BfBotManager
At strategy "Staking" tab add "Min/max number of qualified selections" rule and set min and max to 2.

Then at strategy "Edit" form, the one where you set strategy name set max number of bets per market to 2.

Then try again, it should work fine.
By Colinbest2
Ok thank you. To clarify for future use does the max number of bets per market on the edit form mean max number of initial bets? Or is it total bets? So if there are 2 initial bets and the strategy is set to trade out or hedge it will not block the trade out or hedges from happening?