
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By TomPS

I am attempting to run two similar but distinct strategies which would both access my previously selected list of double chance markets, but I need the two strategies to access different games, eg. strategy 1 would access, maybe, games 1,2 and 4, while strategy 2 would access 3,5 and 6. This split would be something I would evaluate each day myself. Is there any way to highlight specific markets so only a particular strategy would try to place bets on it? At the moment it looks like both my strategies would try to run on all the selected games, and that would defeat my grand plan!

Thanks in advance,

Hi Tom,

Only solution is to pick your selections by using "My S." checkbox column and move them to Manage tips form as tips. In this process you will set Provider/tipster name that you can use in your strategy in rule "Staking->Bet on imported tips" so that strategy only bets on tips from that specific provider.

Then you can repeat the process for second strategy.
Awesome, thanks for the speedy reply. That might well work. I will trial it this afternoon on a few test markets.

Is there any way to then easily see which of my selected markets is linked to which name? I don't see a column that I can add to the markets tab relating to this.

Brilliant. The Manage Tips form has all my markets starting with the name column, so that is all I need. Thanks for your help! Hopefully my strategies fire correctly today or I might be back for some more advice.... :)
Hmm...Ok, I think I must be doing something wrong here. My strategies were firing ok before I directed them via the manage tips form you advised, but now no bet is being placed even though all the criteria seem to be met. There must be something I've ticked or unticked somewhere. Can you help?


You should check strategy "Reports" tab to see which rule is preventing bet placement. Also please read "Troubleshooting" section of the manual, it will help you debug your strategy.

If you keep having problems then you can post screenshots of all your settings, loaded markets and tips here and we will check them.
I've taken a look at the troubleshooting section of the manual but can't find the issue. It was difficult to read the report tab as it constantly adds new information - I've now read that I need to pause the strategy for this to time!

It looks like at least one of my recent test markets was claiming conditions weren't met while betting on imported tips, and things were firing fine without using the Manage Tips route, but I need to get this working.

I've attached some screenshots of what I hope are the relevant parts of my system - hopefully you can make sense of it for me!?
manage tips.png
manage tips.png (96.4 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
market conditions.png
market conditions.png (172.46 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
markets.png (205.84 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
price settings.png
price settings.png (160.31 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
report.png (188.5 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
selection conditions.png
selection conditions.png (172.37 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
staking.png (171.7 KiB) Viewed 6359 times
We have lift off. So my test bets fired, but the stake is way over what I thought I had set. I wanted one strategy using 2% of a £200 bank (so £4 give or take commission) and the other to use 7%, so around £14. But strategy one (2%) has placed a bet with a £14.29 stake, that will return around £2. Any ideas what I have put on back to front here?
test.png (175.63 KiB) Viewed 6331 times