
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
By baddydaddy67
My first post in a long time!
Within the Filter - Filter Horses by Detailed Information, there is an option for the ForecastPrice_Numerator or denominator.

What prices does this specifically relate to within betfair?

Also - are you woking on a new revision to BFBOT and if so what features are you working on?

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By BfBotManager
Hi Alan,

Following is from Betfair documentation:
FORECASTPRICE_NUMERATOR The forecast price numerator 13
FORECASTPRICE_DENOMINATOR The forecast price denominator 8

13 and 8 are their examples of value. We do not have more information about this, sorry. You will need to contact Betfair support for more details

Next update should be ready in April and we will send newsletter with list of improvements once it is ready. We cannot discuss it before then, sorry.
By theclothcat
Has anyone figured out what these are yet? Are they the "Industry Standard" odds or Betfair odds expressed as Numerator/Denominator?