
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By wolf67
I'm confused on how to get the football free in-play stats without using the Football inplay trading website because i thought it was available with the new BF Bot upgrade but when i select Market conditions - Football in-play statistics window still say that you need to be registerd with the Football inplay website to be able to use this rule so i go to Tools and Settings - General Settings - Football in-play statistics rule and i've to enter a Footbal Inplay username/password, am i missing something?
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By BfBotManager
At "Tools&Settings->General settings->Results" by default is ticked option to use in play statistics and live scores provided by our servers from third party service to which we have subscription.

In latest update there is a text in "Football - In play statistics (" for rule that uses Inplaytradin data. There is also rule "Football - In play statistics" that does not have that text in its name and it uses our in play statistics. Make sure you use correct rule in your strategy.