
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By fiscelan
Hi Rade

So far I'm happy with automatic betting.
However I cannot figure out how to do manual betting!

For example, we have the Lay the draw strategy provided by default.

How can I select myself which game I want to apply this strat?

I've amended the Selections condition with "Manual bet type" but then I'm guessing I need to place the lay bet first and the strat will only hedge as desired?

Another example, actually maybe simpler, is lay a selected horse pre race, if betwee odds 2 and 3 for example.
I created my strat with "Manual bet type" lay (along with the other settings like stakes), then selected the race in the market and ticked "My selection" but nothing happened.

I suggest we sort out first the horse case (which appears to me simpler than the football case).

I tried several time still no luck. I've read the guide, maybe I missed something.

Many thanks!
Best regards
By fiscelan
Hi Rade

Actually I managed to manually bet on a selected horse.

Now is it possible to assign a strategy to a selection?

I would like to tell the bot: for this selection, use this strat, for another one, use another strat.

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By BfBotManager
Hi fiscelan,

You can use "My selections" column to select your own selections to bet on.

Then you can use at Selection Conditions, rule "Bet on my favorites only" to bet only on those selections that you picked.

But there is no option to select your own selection and set strategy for that selection. It is not possible to select 2 or more selections this way and set different strategy for each selection.

What you can do, is use "Selections filter" rule and set to allow betting only on selections whose name contains one of specified values and then create CSV list of selection names to allow betting on. That way you can create different list for each strategy.

By fiscelan
Hmm, I see. Since I'm already running the bot on a VPS, that means I would need another VPS. I'll forget about it at the moment.

Thanks for the reply