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By JonRd

I'm trying to load a bot to a tennis game but once I've loaded it to the game and go to the "Tips Form" the start time says 01:00 but the match has already started? Bots due to fire on this game didn't.

The bots have been fully tested and work perfectly.

I had bots on other tennis matches that didn't fire either and these also had a random start time of 01:00.

I'm trading the Rome Open so no games start at 01:00.

Any ideas?

kind regards

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By BfBotManager
If this is happening at tips form then your tips are not connected with Betfair selection. Try importing tips before start time and make sure that your tips data is correct and same as Betfair selection data.
By JonRd

I still can't get them to work.

I've been into the Auto load section to check that the correct markets are loaded, which they are.

I've deleted and reloaded the bots but the same start time of 01:00 keeps coming up for the 4 games i want to trade today.

I've imported numerous tips before the matches have started and the only bots that haven't worked are the bots on games with the start time of 01:00.

So, some tips have the correct start times and work perfectly but i keep getting 2 or 3 games a day with the start time of 01:00 which is incorrect and stops the bots from firing.

i've attached my tips sheet (sorry there's 2 for some reason). If you look at the bot that says unknown you can see the start time next to it.

You can also see above other games with the correct start time and games with the 01:00 start time.

Sorry this is so confusing.

Any help is much appreciated!


START TIME NOT CORRECT.png (280.7 KiB) Viewed 66291 times
START TIME NOT CORRECT.png (280.7 KiB) Viewed 66291 times
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By BfBotManager
Market start time is displayed at main MARKETS grid view. Do you have screenshot of that market start time?

Can you please post tips CSV file that you are using to import those tips?
By JonRd

To import the tips i do the following:

Go to the main MARKETS page and click and open the tennis game to trade on (see "Example 1" below)
Tick the relevant box
Cut and paste the name of the bot into the "move "My S." to "Manage tips" form" found on the top bar on the main MARKETS page.
Make sure the "Deselect all selections in "My S." checkbox column" is ticked.
Press ok.
Go to the "Tips Form" page and find the imported tip.
Set the "Bet type" to either Back or Lay
Set the "stake" to required amount
Set the "Min price"
Set the "Max price

In "Example 1" I've loaded Bot: LAY P2 - 0% - FSW - <3 to Qinwen Zheng

As you can see from "Example 1" below, the game between Naomi Osaka v Qinwen Zheng is displayed as starting at 13-05-09:00 on the main MARKETS page but when I go to my "Tips Form" the starting time says 2024-05-13 01:00 (see the bottom tip on "Example 2" below)

I keep getting numerous games with this starting time and the bots don't fire on any of the games.

Again, any help is always much appreciated!

Many thanks,


Example 1.png
Example 1.png (505.39 KiB) Viewed 66284 times
Example 2.png
Example 2.png (280.01 KiB) Viewed 66284 times
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By BfBotManager
Can you please email us content of log file as txt file? You can open log file by using "Tools&settings->Log" menu item, then save it as txt file and send it to us.

Also please display column "Tip import time" at "Manage tips" form and save screenshot of that tip.

Are you also importing tips from any other source?

We tried to reproduce this by selecting many selections, but time appears to be ok for all of them. If you find a match that does not start soon then please email us details so that we can try to use it and reproduce this.
By JonRd

I can't email the log file as it is more the 1MB.

I've tried emailing through the website but it fails.The text file says its 5.14MB.

Do you have an email address i can send it to?

Please see below a screenshot of the "Tip import time".

No, i'm not importing tips from any other source.

If you find a match that does not start soon then please email us details so that we can try to use it and reproduce this: Wta - Singles -Rome Open - 13/05/2024 18:00 - E. Svitolina v A. Sabalenka

Thanks for your help.


TIP IMPORT TIME.png (295.53 KiB) Viewed 66265 times
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By BfBotManager
Hi Jon,

You should compress txt file as zip file. Every Windows has that functionality, then it will be much smaller and you will be able to send it. You can also email it by replying to any email that you received from us.

Attached is screenshot for that match, time is correct. We will need log file to check this in more detail.
Screenshot 2024-05-13 163801.png
Screenshot 2024-05-13 163801.png (112.78 KiB) Viewed 66263 times
By JonRd

I've emails the text file.

I haven't done the latest "update" for BF Bot Manager yet. Could that be the problem?


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By BfBotManager
Hi Jon,

Your bot is up and running for 86+ days without restart. Please exit the software, uninstall it and then download and install latest V3 version from our website.

We got your log file, but it did not help us much. It does show that those matches official start time was updated by an hour or so.

Please try using latest version and let us know if you keep having same problem.
By JonRd

I've uninstalled the old version, shut my computer down, restarted it and installed the latest V3 version from the website, which I thought had solved the problem.

Unfortunately it hasn't.

Please see attachment below

The match is the Wta - Singles Rome 18/05/2024 16:00 Swiatek I. v Sabalenka A.

Any suggestions greatly received.



Swiatek I..png
Swiatek I..png (176.71 KiB) Viewed 66068 times
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By BfBotManager
Hi Jon,

Did start time populate immediately like that when you moved tips to tips form?

Can you repeat that and create video showing the steps to reproduce it?

Please export those tips and email them to us. Also save log file and send it to us too. Please save screenshot of MARKETS grid view showing market for those tips. Thanks.
By JonRd
Yes the start time did populate immediately like that when i moved tips to the tips form.

I'm sorry, i've no way of videoing anything at the moment but below is my procedure for loading bots.

To import the tips i do the following:

Go to the main MARKETS page and click and open the tennis game to trade on (see "Example 1" below)
Tick the relevant box
Cut and paste the name of the bot into the "move "My S." to "Manage tips" form" found on the top bar on the main MARKETS page.
Make sure the "Deselect all selections in "My S." checkbox column" is ticked.
Press ok.
Go to the "Tips Form" page and find the imported tip.
Set the "Bet type" to either Back or Lay
Set the "stake" to required amount
Set the "Min price"
Set the "Max price

Email sent.

Many thanks

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By BfBotManager
Hi Jon,

Time for that match was updated by Betfair. Following is from the log file:
17/05/2024 15:31:01: Update market I Swiatek v A Sabalenka\Match Odds start time, 18-05 01:00 -> 18-05 16:00.
17/05/2024 21:31:11: Update market I Swiatek v A Sabalenka\Match Odds start time, 18-05 16:00 -> 18-05 17:00.
18/05/2024 06:31:27: Update market I Swiatek v A Sabalenka\Match Odds start time, 18-05 17:00 -> 18-05 16:00.

This means that you loaded match early and created tip with old time that was later updated by bot.

Tips start time is not updated when market start time is updated. But this should not be a problem as tip start time is not used by strategy when it is trying to place bets. Strategy uses selection ID number to find tip for that selection.

Maybe something else is preventing your strategy from betting on this and similar tips e.g. usually when start time is changed then the offer on market can be bad or none and later improve once match starts.

Please export your strategy that is set to bet on this tip and we will check it.
By JonRd

Sorry not to get back to you sooner but I wanted to do further testing and see if I could figure out what the problem is.

Unfortunately I can't ! 

All tennis matches loaded and worked fine on Monday (20th) but yesterday only 1 game worked out of 16!

I'm at a total loss!

Please find attached a screenshot of yesterday's " Tips File" and the attempts to load the bots, plus the 2 attempts from today, which I have left marked "unknown" so you can identify them easier. 

I've emailed a screenshot of my "MARKETS" page (couldn't get it to upload to the forum) showing all tennis trades working on Monday 20th.

I've highlighted the only trade that worked yesterday - Ya Yang v Tubello (£60.18 win)  which was loaded at the same time as the 16 that failed.

Also attached are some of the various tennis bots that I've been using.

I've tested all of them for at least 2 weeks now and they've been working fine. 

I'm testing a lot of football bots and I've never had this problem with them.

As always, your help is much appreciated.

kind regards 

    YESTERDAYS TIPS FILE.png (286.86 KiB) Viewed 65913 times
    (5.72 KiB) Downloaded 1280 times
    User avatar
    By BfBotManager
    Hi Jon,

    Just realized that you sent us markets grid view screenshot but it does not show any tennis markets for those tips at which bets were placed. Most likely they were removed by your settings at "Tools&settings->Monitoring markets->Remove markets".

    We need to screenshot of MARKETS grid view showing tennis market for tip at which bet was not placed. So that we can compare their start time and identify the problem.
    By JonRd
    Morning Rade

    Below are the games that I've set bots up on today.

    Wta - Singles French Open 23/05/2024 10:00 Burillo Escorihuela I. Teichmann J. B.
    Wta - Singles French Open 23/05/2024 10:00 Niemeier J. Galfi D.
    Wta - Singles French Open 23/05/2024 10:00 Riera Julia Eala A.
    Wta - Singles Rabat 23/05/2024 11:00 Tomova V. Siegemund L.
    Wta - Singles Strasbourg 23/05/2024 11:30 Linette M. Keys M.

    All 3 french open matches have loaded to the tips page with the wrong start time (09:00 when it should be 10:00) and the tip import time is black not red. Please see attached screenshots.

    The matches in Rabat & Strasbourg have loaded to the tips page with a start time of 2024-05-23 01:00 and the tip import time is red not black.Please see attached screenshots.

    Please let me know if you need anything else sending over as I'm keen to resolve the problem.

    kind regards


    P.S. I've emailed this as well.

    French Open.png
    French Open.png (443.76 KiB) Viewed 65886 times
    Rabat & Strasbourg.png
    Rabat & Strasbourg.png (463.55 KiB) Viewed 65886 times
    Tips Form.png
    Tips Form.png (212.42 KiB) Viewed 65886 times
    By JonRd
    Hi Rade

    Could it have anything to do with my "Tools & Settings"?

    Could it be something that I've ticked that I shouldn't have or vice versa?

    Could you send me a list of what should be ticked and what shouldn't?


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    By BfBotManager
    Thanks, the issue is with start time being updated by Betfair. When market start time changes then it gets updated a main MARKETS grid view, but it does not updated imported tips start time.

    22/05/2024 17:36:18: Update market V Tomova v Siegemund\Match Odds start time, 23-05 01:00 -> 23-05 11:00.

    22/05/2024 19:36:21: Update market Mag Linette v Keys\Match Odds start time, 23-05 01:00 -> 23-05 11:30.

    This should not prevent your strategy to bet on those imported tips as they already have all IDs set for that market and selection.