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By Colinbest2
Hey. I've attached 2 strategies, 1 that places a lay bet at a 12 tick offset from BSP. If that gets matched then it will attempt to trade out but it was also trigger strategy 2 to place another unmatched lay at 24 ticks offset from BSP. If the trade out bet of strategy 1 is matched then strategy 2 should cancel its unmatched initial bet. However I've noticed the 2nd strategy will not place a trade out bet once matched despite being configured to do so. Any ideas?
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By BfBotManager
You will need to check strategy "Reports" tab during in play to see which rule is preventing bet placement for your second strategy.

Also adjust Overrounds to 150% and 50% instead of 115% and 85% as that might be too strict when betting during in play. Increase Back/Lay Ratio to 50% or 100%.

At Markets filter rule tick option to allow only Start price markets.
By Colinbest2
Interesting. Cheers I'll give them a try and closely monitor the reports tab and see if I can spot the issue.
By Colinbest2
To clear the overrounds and back/lay ratio are also taken into account for placing the trade out bet, i.e the bet placed by the trade out setting in the after bet rules? Strategy 2 is able to place an initial bet at the expected 24 ticket BSP offset, it just doesn't place the trade out bet once the initial bet is matched
By Colinbest2
BfBotManager wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2024 7:21 pm After bet rules (including Trade out rule) are not affected by Market/Selection conditions.
Ok interesting then because in this case, for strategy 2 triggered by strategy 1, the initial bet is being placed fine but once matched the trade out bet is not being placed.
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By BfBotManager
You need to remove rule "Cancel bet if unmatched" as it is executing and preventing trade out rule from execution.
By Colinbest2
Ok. The reason that is there is because if the trade out of strategy 1 is matched then I want to cancel the bet from strategy 2 if it is still unmatched. It was the only way I could think of making this possible. Is there another possible way to do this?