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By richardrb

I have three strategies that are the same. I want one strategy to place a bet if neither of the other two strategies have already placed a bet. The idea is to have three parallel strategies running without duplicating each other' bets

I have used the rule only if specific strategies have bets. My settings are shown in the attached file.

I have staggered the time to try and avoid the bets being placed at exactly the same time. Despite this, I get duplicate bets. I assume I got the rule wrong. Can you check if the rules are being used correctly, and if not, can you advise any changes?

Many thanks

shows rules currently being used
shows rules currently being used
Screenshot 2023-12-22 142804.png (41.98 KiB) Viewed 2104 times
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By BfBotManager
Hi there,

You should set it to check for Matched, Unmatched bets, not just Matched bets.

Also make sure that you add this rule to all three strategies and set them to check other two strategies.

Intead of "Market conditions->Only if strategy has bets" rule that checks event/market you should use "SELECTION conditions->Only if strategy has bets" rule to check if other strategies do not have bets on the same selection (not event/market).

Then try again in simulation mode, it should work.