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By Jockeyp

I have an issue where some of my bots are not working and some are. If I don't have a tip, these seem to be working, however, for one with a tip they are not firing.

When I check the reports for the bots that are not working, the issue seems to be with the 'Time to Bet' criteria not being satisfied. However, it should work as the time to bet is set 5 mins before the start time and I was checking them in that time window. I have attached a screenshot of my time to bet settings - fairly simple and standard, so not sure what the issue is.

It is quite frustrating where sometimes the bot fires and other times it doesn't, but there is no real reason why it didn't. It has been an issue every now and again using BF Bot Manager for me. For the issue I have described above, do you have any ideas on solving it please?

time to bet settings.PNG
time to bet settings.PNG (16.69 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
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By BfBotManager
All weekdays are unchecked, by default they are all checked. So please check them and then Time to bet will work. This was fixed in the latest version.
By Jockeyp
Thanks - have gone through my bots and now checked all the weekdays. Hopefully that will have solved it. Appreciate the response.