
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
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By Albannach
One of my strategies has stopped recording some bets in the main Strategy tab. The bets are there in the Bets tab and the Markets tab, just not in the Strategies tab.

The strategy is set to restart at 9am if it is in profit. I wasn't watching the bot when the two missing bets were placed, but I was watching it when the 3rd bet was placed.

Any idea what may be wrong?
Screenshot 2023-11-06 13.41.17.png
Screenshot 2023-11-06 13.41.17.png (90.65 KiB) Viewed 11963 times
Screenshot 2023-11-06 13.41.27.png
Screenshot 2023-11-06 13.41.27.png (102.92 KiB) Viewed 11963 times
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By Albannach
The bets were placed at 12:50 and 13:20 which is after the scheduled restart.

The restart was at 09:00 if in profit, which it was. I only mentioned the restart in case you thought I'd done it manually, which I hadn't.
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By BfBotManager
Please post screenshot of strategy "Other information" tab and email us content of log file as txt file. You can open log file by using "Tools&settings->Log" menu item, then save it as txt file and email it to us. Thanks!
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By Albannach

It did AutoRestart at 13:29. How did that happen?

I have it set to AutoRestart at 09:00 unless it's in a recovery cycle. I expected the strategy to stop as it had hit a winner, why would it restart?

Screenshot 2023-11-06 17.45.02.png
Screenshot 2023-11-06 17.45.02.png (61.13 KiB) Viewed 11923 times
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By BfBotManager
You can export your strategy and email it to us to check its restart settings.

Log file and your screenshot show that strategy was automatically restarted at 13:29, not at 9:00, which means that your rules were not satisfied earlier and that restart happened at later time.

If you changed strategy settings while it was working then this would have effect on it, as all changes to the settings are immediately active.
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By BfBotManager
Thanks for sending strategy file.

Your strategy is set to restart only if it is in profit and after 9:00.

Your first bet lost at 13:09 lost and made loss of -£2, then second bet at 13:28 won and made profit of £2.44 so strategy restarted as it went to profit and that is the only time after 9:00 that strategy is in profit. Before that moment strategy was at loss or at zero profit/loss.
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By Albannach
No problem and thanks for your reply.

I assumed the bot would not restart after 09:00 as I thought I was restarting only if it is in profit and at 09:00. I can't see anything to suggest that the reset will take place later unless markets aren't loaded.

How would I stop the bot placing more bets once it's recovered losses but after the reset time?
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Screenshot 2023-11-06 21.50.17.png (70.11 KiB) Viewed 11873 times
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Screenshot 2023-11-06 21.54.12.png (31.01 KiB) Viewed 11873 times
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By BfBotManager
We are sorry if that caused confusion, but please read blue text at that settings form that explains exact functionality and also check manual for details.

There is no option to stop placing bets when loss is recovered as those safety rules do not check your staking plans.
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By Albannach
Thanks for the clarification. From what you say, AutoRestart whilst using a recovery strategy is not a good idea as the strategy may restart when you actually want it to stop?