
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
By Kicks4Free
Hi DN,

I am a noob to BF BOT Manager and betting strategies / programmable bots but I am not a noob to financial exchanges and the bots which work on them as well as enterprise applications. I am no noob to betting but always as a "punter" and never for what you would call "big big stakes" but I have done OK in spells. My main interest is in Football (Soccer) but I have been reading various threads of yours (and some others who I will reach out to to thank as well) and it got me very interested in learning / profiting from greyhound racing using a programmable strategy.

I am working on my own models just now and programming them inside the bot and so far the results have been very promising.

I have picked up on your various comments regarding improvements that can be made with the software and I will read further into those threads now I have full access to the forum and I am able to comment. I also like to look for ways to improve performance and functionality so if I spot anything I will to put it forward as a recommendation. But overall in my limited 5 days experience I have been really impressed with the bot and I am enjoying the learning curve.

Anyways - a long winded way to say thanks to you for peaking my interest and also for sharing your knowledge. I have a lot of reading/analysis to go through but just wanted to give you a shout out!

Take care and GL!
By Kicks4Free
Appreciate you getting back DN- first couple days my strats have been in the 30% range so my theories must be doing not too bad! Sometimes dipping to 25s and around and back up maybe into 35s. I am working on a market that is totally alien to me so it is taking me a bit to get used to the terminology used and stuff like because I am coming from a blank mind of this market it may actually help.

Sequencing I really need to study on more, I have db knowledge so to me sequencing is something else totally. Still getting used to the BF exchange which does seem to have "quirks".

I agree entirely on the read the f**king manual comment!

I just deleted all my strats histories to start again with about 7 variations of the same staking plan (which I know is key from finance trading) or I would have posted up some screen shots to show the strike rates. I will let these strats run overnight maybe 48 hours as I just did it to clean up the UI before I saw this comment.

I have 2 instances of the bot software running now, one on a solid hosted VPS running real money at smaller stakes and one on a home machine for sim. But yeah I can imagine there will be networking and API response call issues at some point somewhere causing issues in the quirks of BF exchange.

Will cross that bridge if we get there as we say up here :)

I will set up a a proton and give you a nudge or if we can PM on here I dont know

Good luck mate
By Kicks4Free
As I said just reset to test staking variations and stops etc - but not a bad start to the night
justresetforstakeplans.png (12.9 KiB) Viewed 17842 times
By Kicks4Free
from the 2 strats on the live instance - that was setup about 7 hours ago and I still need to learn a lot about filtering and do more analysis / modelling. Also those races had a few outside wrecking balls run for their lives
fromtheliveinstancesetupearlier.png (2.59 KiB) Viewed 17841 times
By Kicks4Free
Little nuggets of golden insights - much appreciated mate!

Sequences and patterns is something I have a grasp on but from a totally different perspective - it is just going to take me some time to break those rules/barriers but in a few weeks I will be in a different perspective after experiences and research.

Right now in my theories I am not trying to hit those big odds but its in my plan to simulate catching them but I am not quite sure which way yet to filter to that yet. Again, scraping/analysis/time/trial&error

Do you back any forecasts in the bots programming? Maybe it needs another thread on this but I would like to back F1/F2 or the reverse F2/F1 depending on other variables being met but I cant seem to figure it out in the app. Have you ever tried this? Forecast in GH seems to be focused on trap positions as far as I can see and without knowing back price of F1 / F2 at time of bet placement I cant seem to get the logic working.

From my limited time viewing GH races these 5/6 days I have witnessed this happen quite a lot (all be it not at massive odds). Again, it would be about the staking formula but any insights you can offer would be good mate.

Have a beer or whatever your tipple is and a good weekend - cheers !
By Kicks4Free
Another thing I forgot to mention - I can see what you mean about volume in the market becoming a problem at bigger stakes. I have a been looking at horse racing and I already knew the volume was much bigger but it is something I will be looking at as well. 1 step at a time :)
By Kicks4Free
this is the live instance of the 2 running strats... thing is the top strat is intentionally backing 2 runners in a race if conditions are met... so the denominator will be larger because there will in almost every race be 1 winner which means a loser in the same strat... needs optimised... but its still profiting...
topstratneedssplitorfilteredmore.png (2.91 KiB) Viewed 17837 times
By Kicks4Free
Totally hogging this thread mate but this is the testing in the sim with simple banks - trying to figure out stops/take profit ratios etc. The strike ratio needs work but on a small reset of data from a few hours of races (my conditions mean I am not betting every race for sure) the strats are profiting so far...
simresults.png (27.19 KiB) Viewed 17836 times
By Kicks4Free
Cheers DN - Yeah I a have found that out on day 1 of live testing, 2 runners in the same market has turned a small profit but it could so easily have been a loss as wins on the F1 usually just making the bet break even and you are aiming to "get lucky" with the bigger odd. If both lose then its a double stake down and next one multiplys, could easily blow an account without the right stop.

Finding the right stop and the right staking plan is what I need to do now and also more analysis on models to filter out races on which my current strats are not winning on. The devil makes work for idle hands :)

Appreciate your insights and good luck in whatever you do!
By Rocknrolla
Nice thread.

BF BM is new to me. Coming from Bet Angel it's true that hard work pays off. Still use BA but mainly for manual trading.

Well done pal.