
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
By Beerio
There's no hiding from poor results the past 3 days, just part of the journey but still a bit annoying.
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By Beerio
Finalized figures for the month of Feb as we finished -1pt for the month much thanks to Alpha bot being so red. Id like to complain about it but know that it swings in round about. 7 month of running/testing it and Feb turned out to be the only red month for it so far. Anyways on we go, March is upon us and so another month of running/testing and making money.
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By Beerio
So after a poor showing in Feb as we finished -1pt with all 3 bots, we decided to bring back Beta & Kappa bots for the month of March. Below are combined and individual break downs for them.

Side note, Alpha bot was -41.8pts in Feb, so we pulled it but still running it and it's +9.3pts profit for March in 2 days. If this continues then I will bring it back in April to the telegram group.

Right on we go.

Free Telegram group with bots and download links:
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By Beerio
Been away for work the past 5 days, but here is the daily and overall breakdown for the month of March. Yes we are -11.22 pts for the month and this is also why having a staking plan in place is very key. Be responsible for your plans and lets move on.
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By Beerio
So Monday's results have put the bots within striking distance of being out the red zone with a (+7.19pt) gain. Here are some fun facts tho, we have been as low as -12.82pts and as high as +15.78pts this month and we are only 7 days into the month. On we go.
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By Beerio
Updated figures for the free bots in telegram. Nice little 11pt day today to bring us from the red to the green for the month. On we go for the rest of the month.
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By Beerio
Updated stats for both the bots thru 11/03/2022. Big red day followed by tiny red day however I slice it it's still a red day and the excuses of it's coming up Cheltenham or it's Thursday or all the other things that I keep hearing make no difference when running automation with formulas unless you have a consistent losing day in the week that is very specific. On we go.
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By Beerio
Yesterday was a very good start to the day and then it fizzled out. The bots were at +12.35pts for the day at their highest point, but finished on 3pts profit overall. Nothing ventured, nothing gained and if you took the profits then you would be already in the + for the month and if not then we continue to run at full speed. On we go Sunday
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By Beerio
Updated figures after Sunday's racing. Green day for both bots, so that's a positive and overall just under 2pts loss for the month (not great, however on we go). If you wanna get involved then join us in telegram as the bots are selections are all free via a link.
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By Beerio
3 days in the green and we are profitable on the month now. The ups and downs of automation but wouldn't have it any other way. If you want to join us on the journey here is the telegram link below:


You will find a pinned post, just follow that or if you need any more help just message me up.
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By Beerio
I have been away for few days for work hence the no update on the results. Come back and see that the Beta bot has been okay while Kappa bot having a meltdown in the last 6 days time :( All part of the automation process for sure, but on we go.
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By Beerio
Haven't done many updates on how the progress of the free channel has been going for a few reasons. I hated the fact that some members were missing bets due to the lapsed/cancelled/unmatched rather then Matched bets on the bots. The other part is that the trolls got the best of me. Here is the updated figures for the free bot that was available to members in the telegram room. Optimally members could have been +66pts up this past month, however the reality of thing is that there was fair few problems getting matched on the bets.

The past month we have tested placing a back bet with 2/5/10 or 20 ticks lower to guarantee getting matched and still not getting on few bets. I cannot guarantee that all members will get matched or that I will, as I have missed a fair few winners but managed to get on all the losers :cry: however overall I am happy to finish the month on this bot in profit unless somehow it does 66pts in 50 races today.

Anyway, wishing you all the best of luck with all your automation going forward and if you wanna join us for the month of June use the link in the post as Predator bot will be available for free for the month of June again.
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