
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
By Daveyb1984
The results gave stopped sending to telegram. It was working fine then the last few bets it doesn't send the result message. It's still sending the initial bet, but no results.

Other strategies are still posting the result. It's just one strategy not doing it

Is it a case of restarting the software / pc?

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By BfBotManager
If only one strategy is not sending messages then something might be wrong with the message or your Telegram rule that is added to that strategy. Also please note that messages are only published in real mode.
By Daveyb1984
Thanks for the response. I'm still having issues with this and it sometimes does it with other strategies on occasion but not as frequent as this particular strategy.

I have a screenshot here if telegram where it has sent initial bets but only sent the results for 2 of them and the settings are unchanged.

Would you suggest sending reports to support? And what should I send

Screenshot_20250115-154749~2.png (486.31 KiB) Viewed 6534 times