
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By smcc3573
I have created 2 bots for each trap on greyhounds when the win bet is placed the forecast bot should back all selections with this dog from the win market. However its not placing the forecast bets. I did once on one trap but hasnt again. the report keeps saying its because of dependent market but the bot has placed a matched bet. I have cut down my total markets to 500 incase it was that but still doesnt fire what can the reason be
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By BfBotManager
This is working fine and bets are placed. Make sure that you loaded forecast markets too to the main MARKETS grid view.

Screenshot attached, we removed "Time to bet" to get bets placed immediately.
2023-04-27_17-35-41.png (118.13 KiB) Viewed 7528 times
By smcc3573
I have the market, I use it in another bot I really cant figure out why its not betting the report says its the only if selected strategy has bets. Can there be some other setting?
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By BfBotManager
Please use contact form and send us content of log file as txt file. Also include screenshots of MARKETS grid view and of "Tools&settings->Monitoring settings". Screenshot of placed bets and of strategy "Reports" tab few seconds after bet is placed would also be useful.
By smcc3573
sent, one thing I will add is that there are a bunch of people using these bots and its 50 50 where for half of us it works and the other half it doesnt so its not just my setup