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Hedge bet when market suspends

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:18 pm
by SteveB123

I have noticed an issue regarding when the bot places a hedge bet at the same time as the market suspends.

For example, I have a Football Lay The Draw strategy which hedges after 65 minutes if score is 0-0 and this has happened a couple of times to me now.....

1. The bot will correctly place a hedge bet at 65 minutes if the score is still 0-0.
2. However IF the market suspends while hedge bet is still unmatched (eg. possible red card) then the bet is cancelled and does not even show in the bot.
3. Market re-opens and hedge bet cancelled due to market suspension BUT the bot does not attempt to retry the hedge bet even though I have it set to retry up to 3 times.

So it seems that if the market suspends while the hedge bet remains unmatched then the bot thinks that the bet is completed and will NOT attempt to retry the hedge bet when market re-opens.

Has anyone else experienced this or know of any workaround?

Kind Regards,
Steve B.

Re: Hedge bet when market suspends

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 4:23 pm
by BfBotManager
Hi Steve,

At Hedge settings, try setting it to ask for 2 or 3 ticks worse price, it should ensure that your bet gets matched instantly when it is matched.

We will check this, but it might take some time to reproduce this issue as it requires that market gets suspended in the moment when hedge is attempted.