
General discussion about Bf Bot Manager v3 software for Betfair, Betdaq and Matchbook betting exchanges
By baddydaddy67
Firstly the current version - specifically the changes to trade out 2nd bet are brilliant. I have a few suggestions which I would appreciate if you would consider;

1) One more addition to trade out 2nd bet - could you add the option to trade out at a set price as well - I know you can do this is in the hedge out function but I have seen a few being missed in running. The bet being in the market already would be an advantage.

2) The selections filter under selection conditions; 2 requests:
a) Can you add in the ability to select the horse by official rating from worst to best - ie bottom 2, 3, 4 rated.
b) Can you add in the ability to select the runner by weight - either top 1, 2, 3 or bottom 1, 2, 3 for example.

3) Most traded selections - is it possible to determine whether the traded money is on the back or lay side?

Again thanks for the great product!
Hi baddydaddy67,

1. Ok

2. We will look into this and see if it can be added

3. Sorry, that is not possible. For each Back bet there is Lay bet from another user, so there is no way to tell if the amount is matched on back or lay side, as it always requires Back and Lay bet for any bet to get matched
By legoman
Hi Rade,
Re the betting by top weight of horses, has this been introduced?
I see in 'Selection Conditions -> Racing, Filter horses by detailed information', it is possicle to filter by Weight Value. Does that mean if I put the value 1, it will filter the top weight, and 2 for 2nd top weight, etc?
No, that will just check if provided value has that character.

Sorting runners by weight was not added, as this information was not available for all races and horses. But if you believe that it is now provided by Betfair for all races/horses then we can review it again.
By legoman
Thanks Rade,
I'm not sure whether Betfair do provide weights for all horses in all races. I quick look at today's meetings show weight for all horses. ( and I added the Weight column in bfbotmanager, to confirm that this is available to us).
Yes it would be good if you could revisit the possibility of filtering by top weight .