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Market monitoring limits

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 12:45 am
by lazar
Hello Rade,

a few question as a new user.

I am using a few football strategies that place bets just in the second half.
I've read in the manual that with a limit of 500 markets & 120 currently active markets, each one is refreshed just once every two minutes with a refresh rate of 1000 ms - which, I believe, is the fastest supported.
Since I'm monitoring multiple U/O markets on every game in-play that limit is easily reached especially on weekend.

I.e. the four english professional leagues starting at 16:00 on Saturday alone include ~50 games same time.
On each game i've the U/O markets under monitoring till the U/O 5,5 goals.
So each game "waste" 6 markets, isn't it? Discounting the ones already closed of course (es. the Over/Under 0,5 for matches already with goals)
5 x 6 = 300, so I guess a refresh every 5 minutes or so.
Is it correct?

I would need something much faster so I'm guessing how can I save on markets count.
Can I set up a specific strategy to start monitoring just in the 2nd half, for example?
Or, at least, is it possible application wide?

As a suggestion, another bot i use has a nice feature called "next under" & "next over", so if the score is 1-1 it will monitor just the U/O 2,5 and not every u/o still avalaible.

In general I need tips on how to save as much as possible on that markets count and increase the refresh rate of odds.

Re: Market monitoring limits

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:17 am
by BfBotManager
Hi Lazar,

Article on market monitoring settings is from 2013th year, so we will need to update it. Below is explanation for V3 version market monitoring settings.

With each request to get prices bot gets prices for 5 markets with V3 version.

You can set refresh rate of 500ms at Tools&Settings->Monitoring settings. This means that each second bot makes 2 requests to get prices, each time for 5 different markets, total of 10 market prices per second.

To get prices for 300 markets it would take 30 seconds.

At "Tools&Settings->Monitoring settings" you can set to remove Closed markets. Under/over markets are usually closed by Betfair within few minutes after goal is scored and those markets are no longer available.

I hope that helps.


Re: Market monitoring limits

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:16 am
by lazar
Rade wrote:Hi Lazar,
I hope that helps.
It helps a lot :)

Thank you, good to know it has improved so much since then.