
FAQs and other general questions are answered here
By dennyseven
Hi dears
i cant understand how to load only specific market i choose

i have a strategy on U/O 2.5 .... but i want to apply only on some match i choose every morning

if i auto load the 2.5 markets.. this will be applied to all matches of the day, and i want this will be applied only on my choosed game

hope it's clear, im not speak english :D :D
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By BfBotManager
You can manually add markets by using "Tree navigation". There is icon in the menu to display tree navigation at left side.

If you want to place bets at only specific selection then you can pick that selection by using "My S." checkbox column at that market and then set strategy to bet only on your own selections by using "Selection conditions->Bet on my selections only" rule.